The Difference Between Syrup and Molasses

Syrup and molasses are not the same thing, but are commonly confused and used interchangeably. Both syrup and molasses are comprised of sugar and have similar textures and uses. Molasses is a byproduct of the sugar making process as it is the syrupy residue left behind after sugar crystals are extracted from sugar cane or sugar beets during the boiling process. Cane syrup is made from sugar cane juice as the juice is boiled down and evaporated to create cane syrup. The types of molasses vary based upon which step of the sugar crystallization process the residue came from. Light molasses is the residue left behind after the first boiling process, while dark molasses comes from the second boiling process. Blackstrap molasses, the residue left after the third boiling is dark and bitter and normally not used for cooking. Cane syrup is referred to as “golden syrup”, “jus de canne” or “sugar cane juice”. Cane syrup is an amber colored liquid, available in light and dark varieties. To prevent crystallization, some cane syrup manufacturers add corn syrup to the product

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