The Life of Jesus Christ: Slight Variations of Story Between the Christian Gospels, Christ Straddling a Life of Poverty and Exuberance, the Reason Christ Was Provided Gold, Incense, and Myrrh, King Herod Viewing Christ as a Threat and His Attempted Execution of Christ, Luke Producing the Only Account of Christ’s Childhood, Posthumous Stories Collected From Multiple States, Evidence of Christ’s Anger and Frustration Being Expressed Physically and Orally, Paganism Dominating Europe for 2 Millenia, Christ Predicting the Betrayal of Judas Iscariot and Peter, Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate Leaving Christ’s Fate in the Hands of the Jewish Public, the and the Final Decision of Christ’s Execution

The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, chronicle the life of Jesus Christ, but do so by telling stories which differ slightly in their retelling. The birth of Christ is a message to both the poor and destitute as well as the wealthy and powerful. Christ was born into poverty which allows him to understand and identify with those who are poor, however he is visited at birth by 3 wisemen who are also kings which means that his birth is also good news to those who have acquired affluence. Ch...

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