The Ancient Egyptians Not Having a Term for “Art” or “Religion”, the Original Name of the Nile River, the Importance of Scale Within Ancient Egyptian Artwork, the Workers Who Built the Great Pyramids of Giza, Luxuries and Socioeconomic Class Afforded to These Workers, the 3 Tiers Within Ancient Egyptian Religion, Crocodiles Used to Predict Flooding, the Importance of Hair and Wigs to the Ancient Egyptians, and Hairstyle and Wigs Permitted by Socioeconomic Class

The ancient Egyptians didn’t have a term for “art” and they also didn’t have a term for “religion”. The ancient Egyptians called the river Nile “Eteru” meaning “the river”. In Egyptian art, scale denotes importance meaning that the larger the figure in artwork, the more important that person was during their lifetime. Those who built the pyramids were not slaves, rather they were craftspeople who were buried near the great pyramids of Giza, an entitlement which would have never been bestowed upo...

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