North Korean President Kim Il Sung, the History of the Korean State, and the Psychology of Dictatorship: The Reaction of the North Korean Public to the Death of Kim Il Sung, the Country Which Exercises the Most Control Over its Citizens, the Schism Between Kim Il Sung’s Early Life and Late Life, the Person Who Controls North Korea During the Modern Day, the Strategy and Policy Remaining Constant Throughout the Kim Dynasty, the Reason Japan Annexed Korea in 1910, the Japanese Government Implementing Genocide Within Korea, the Japanese Government Attempting to Eradicate the Korean Language, the Birth Year of Kim Il Sung, the Etymology of Kim Il Sung’s Name, the Religion Kim Il Sung Was Introduced to During Adolescence, the Reason Korean Politician Kim Hyong-jik (Kim Il Sung’s Father) Was Arrested and Detained, the Physical Appearance of Hyong-jik When Visited by Kim Il Sung in Prison, the Reason Kim Il Sung Developed a Deep Hatred for the Japanese, Kim Il Sung Joining a Communist Guerrilla Faction to Repel the Japanese, the Strategy Kim Il Sung Utilized to Create a Heroic Self-Image, the Physical Traits of Kim Il Sung, Kim Il Sung’s Successful Military Campaigns by Age 24, Kim Il Sung Becoming the Most Wanted Guerrilla Leader by the Japanese, the Japanese Killing Thousands of Guerrilla Combatants, the Nickname Provided to Kim Il Sung, the Concept of a “Cult of Personality”, the Reason Dictators Leverage Cults of Personality, Kim Il Sung Creating the Largest Cult of Personality in Modern History, the State of Kim Il Sung’s Guerrilla Resistance in 1941, the Soviet Union’s View of Kim Il Sung and the Korean Resistance, the Reason the Soviet Union was Forced to Defend its Borders in 1941, Kim Il Sung Becoming Self-Educated Upon the Views and Strategies of Soviet Union Premier Joseph Stalin, Kim Il Sung’s View of Stalin After Becoming Educated Upon the Subject of Communism, the Public Self-Image Cultivated by Stalin, Kim Il Sung Adopting Strategies and Principles From Stalin’s Leadership, Kim Il Sung Learning Why Stalin Promoted Brutality During His Early Regime, Russia Declaring War Upon Japan, Korea Achieving Independence Because of This, the Reason Korea Became a Fractured State, the Diversionary Line of North Korea and South Korea, the Reason the Soviet Union Installed Kim Il Sung as the Leader of North Korea, the Position Afforded to Kim Il Sung, the Intermediary Role Kim Il Sung Filled Between the Soviet Union and the North Korean Public, Kim Il Sung Fantasizing of a United North Korea and South Korea, Kim Il Sung’s Greatest Personal Trait, the View of the Soviet Union by the North Korean Public in 1945, the Generation Which Displayed the Greatest Anti-Communist Sentiment, the Soviet Union Suppressing a Student Protest With Violence, the Reaction of the North Korean Public to This Outcome, Kim Il Sung Migrating to Sinuiju, North Korea to Restore Public Order, the Reason Kim Il Sung Was Installed by the Soviet Union as the Leader of the North Korean Government, Kim Il Sung Becoming the Leader of the First National Government of North Korea, the Beginning of the Modern Day North Korean State, the Success Rate of Kim Il Sung’s Guerrilla Conflict vs the Success Rate of Kim Il Sung’s Political Career, Kim Il Sung Realizing the Need for the Support of the North Korean Public, How Kim Il Sung Created Unity Between the North Korean Public and the Soviet Union, the Commonality of Kim Il Sung’s Strategy With Dictators, How Dictators Convince the Public of Their Need for Oppressive Rule, Kim Il Sung Providing Land at No Cost for North Koreans, North Korean Farmers Owning Land for the First Time in Centuries, the Reason Kim Il Sung’s Ideology Was Adopted Across North Korea, the Volume of Land Provided and the Number of North Koreans Who Benefited From Kim Il Sung’s Policies, One of the Most Effective Policies for Public Support, the Largest Threat to a Dictator, Kim Il Sung Appealing to the Wealthy Prior to Enacting the Third Phase of His Political Strategy, the Reason Kim Il Sung Modified His Political Strategy for the Wealthy, the Size of the Military Force Comprised by Kim Il Sung, the Reason the Soviet Union Began Removing Itself From North Korea, North Korea Becoming Free From Occupation for the First Time in Decades, the Beginning of the Communist Kim Dynasty, Kim Il Sung’s Ultimate Goal, the Reason Kim Il Sung Attempted to Complete This Goal in 1949, Kim Il Sung Doubling the Size of the North Korean Military, Kim Il Sung Choosing to Invade South Korea, the Strategic Mistake Kim Il Sung Made During His Attempt to Unify North Korea and South Korea, the U.S. Government Appealing to the United Nations to Suppress North Korean Communism, the U.S. Invading and Producing a Counter Attack in South Korea, the U.S. Government Pushing Kim Il Sung’s Military Past the 38th Parallel Divisionary Line, Kim Il Sung Appealing to Chinese President Mao Zedong for Assistance, the Military Response Initiated by Mao to Aide the North Korean War Effort, the Result of This Aide, the U.S. Military’s Response to This Strategy, the Result of the U.S.’ Conflict Strategy for North Korea, the Volume of Weaponry Used Upon North Korea During the Korean War, the Death Toll of North Korea Post U.S. Conflict, the Largest Unrestrained U.S. Air Force Campaign During the 20th Century, the Promise and Result of Kim Il Sung’s Military Campaign into South Korea, How the Korean War Ended, the Political Viability of Kim Il Sung Post Korean War Finalization, Kim Il Sung Implementing Strategies to Ensure His Political Authority, the Reason Dictators Enact Force, the Strategy Kim Il Sung Utilized to Shift Blame From Himself for the North Korean and South Korean Conflict, the Punishment of the North Korean Leaders Accused of U.S. Collaboration Post Korean War, the Public and Private Message of These Punishments, Kim Il Sung Emulating Stalin by Eliminating Opponents, the Strategic Use of Propaganda, Kim Il Sung Leveraging Propaganda Relentlessly to Create a North Korean and U.S. Narrative, the Reason the North Korean Government Relentlessly Pursues the Public Memory of the Korean War, Kim Il Sung Leveraging Propaganda to Fool the North Korean Public into Developing a Common Enemy, the Reason North Korean Students Study the Korean War From Kindergarten Until Post Secondary Education, the North Korean Propagandized Version of the Korean War Taught to North Korean Students, the Reason it is Relatively Simple to Dispel Kim Il Sung’s Propaganda of the Korean War, Kim Il Sung Creating a Self-Image as the Father of the North Korean Nation, How Kim Il Sung Spread Propaganda Across North Korea, the Reason Kim Il Sung Was Able to Effectively Communicate With the North Korean Public, the Reason Kim Il Sung Personally Interacted With the North Korean Public, Kim Il Sung’s Drastically Altered Personality in Private, the Primary Strategy Kim Il Sung Implemented to Have Complete Control Over North Korea, the Secondary Strategy Kim Il Sung Implemented to Have Complete Control Over North Korea, the Reason the Secondary Strategy is Immensely Effective to Control Entire Populations, the North Korean Public Forced to Listen to a Single Radio Station All Day Long, the Only Control North Korea Citizens Have Over Their Radio Technology, the Propaganda Disseminated From North Korean Radio, Kim Il Sung Introducing the Policy of Mandatory Weekly Public Self-Criticism Sessions, the Punishment for Those Who Refuse to Participate, the State of Kim Il Sung’s Political Authority During the 1960’s, the Strategy Leveraged to Eradicate Dissent, the Reason Dictators Utilize Fear to Maintain Control, the Importance of Fear and Punishment for a Dictatorial Regime, How the Public Can be Manipulated into Creating a Self-Sustained Police State, the State of Kim Il Sung’s Political Authority During the Mid 1960’s, Kim Il Sung Utilizing Parades to Display Authority, Wealth, and Influence, Kim Il Sung Creating a Covert Law Enforcement Program to Monitor North Korean Public Activity, the Reason Covert Law Enforcement Programs are Crucial to Dictatorship, the Importance of Intelligence Reporting for Dictatorships, the North Korean Caste System of Loyalty, the Dozens of Subcategories Within the 3 Main Categories of the North Korean Caste System, the Freedom and Choices Impacted by the North Korean Caste System, the Category of Caste Permitted to Live Within Pyongyang, North Korea, the Primary Objective of the North Korean Caste System, the Grotesque Punishments Carried Out Within North Korean Detention Facilities, the Reason North Korean Prisoners are Provided the Minimum Calories Required to Live, North Korean Prisoners Being Forced to View Public Executions, How North Korean Public Executions are Executed, the Number of North Korean Prisoners Executed During the 1960’s, the Daily Work, Study, and Sleep Routine Forced Upon the North Korean Public, the Food Distribution and Rationing System of North Korea, the Reason North Korean’s Intentionally Remain Hungry Post Each Daily Meal, the Success of Kim Il Sung’s Mass Indoctrination of the North Korean Public, the North Korean Cult of Personality Remaining Unrivalled During the Modern Day, the Reason North Korean’s are Complicit With the North Korean Government’s Demands During the Modern Day, Kim Il Sung Exploiting the Korean Societal Cultural Trait of Conformity for Political Gain, the State of Kim Il Sung’s Political Authority During the Early 1970’s, the Trajectory of Kim Il Sung’s Political Career Over 25 Years, Kim Il Sung Understanding the Importance of Immortality for a Dictatorship, Kim Il Sung’s Fear for North Korean Politics Post Mortem, Kim Il Sung’s Solution for His Mortality, the Person Who Kim Il Sung Chose to Succeed His Dynasty, How Kim Il Sung Groomed Russian President of North Korea Kim Jong Il (Kim Il Sung’s Son), Kim Jong Il Venerating Kim Il Sung into a North Korean Mythological Deity, Kim Il Sung Elevating the North Korean Cult of Personality to Develop a State Religion, the Propagandized Portrayal of Kim Il Sung’s Childhood Within North Korean History, the Propagandized Portrayal of Kim Jong Il’s Birth, the North Korean View of Mount Paektu, the Number of Monuments Erected Within Kim Il Sung’s Honor During the 1970’s, the View of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Within North Korea, Kim Jong Il Taking Over the Day to Day Tasks of Running the North Korean State, Kim Il Sung Researching Immortality During the 1980’s, the Irony of Kim Il Sung’s View of Life and Death, Kim Il Sung Creating the Longevity Research Institute, How the Longevity Research Institute Conducted Research, the Number of North Korean Test Subjects Who Were Provided Pacemakers Without Medical Requirement, Kim Il Sung Acquiring Blood Transfusions From Young Donors, the Reason Kim Il Sung’s Individual Rice Grains Were Inspected Prior to Consumption, the Death of Kim Il Sung, the View of Kim Il Sung’s Death by the North Korean Public, the Death of Kim Jong Il, the Person Who Kim Il Sung Chose to Succeed His Dynasty, Kim Il Sung’s Physical Appearance vs North Korean President Kim Jong Un’s Physical Appearance, the U.S. Government’s View of Why Kim Jong Un Has Gained Weight as the President of North Korea, the Inability of 20th Century Dictators to Emulate Kim Il Sung’s Succesful Dynastic System of Governance, the Nuclear Capabilities of North Korea, the Reason Kim Jong Un’s Control of North Korea is More Alarming Than Kim Il Sung’s Control of North Korea, and the Continued Future of the Kim Dynasty Controlling North Korea

When North Korean president Kim Il Sung died in 1994, much of the North Korean population was in shock as most were raised to believe he was a god, and therefore many were not aware that he was mortal. No country in the world exercises more power over its citizens than North Korea. Ironically, the man who spent much of his life imprisoning his people spent much of his life fighting for Korean independence, going from a man who risked his life for his people, to their most brutal oppressor. Today...

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