Ancient Greek Philosopher Plato’s Perfect Circle Concept, the 5 Platonic Solids, Infants Inherently Understanding Mathematics, the Bakhshali Manuscript, the Concept of Zero, Italian Mathematician Fibonacci, the Origin of Fibonacci’s Name, the Concept of an Imaginary Number, and French Mathematician Rene Descartes’ Invention of the Cartesian Plane

It was the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato who said that perfect circles do not exist within the known universe, rather that they must exist somewhere outside of the human experience, alongside other perfect shapes. Even with modern technology, a circle can never be perfect. There will always be bumps and divots when zoomed in closely enough. Plato believed that all shapes in the universe could be represented by 5 solid objects, which are referred to as the “Platonic solids”. Earth is represente...

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