Mediums and the Afterlife: The Oldest Scientific Organization Dedicated to Paranormal Phenomena, Notable Individuals Attached to the American Society for Psychical Research, the Dual Categories of Physical Mediumship, Mental Mediumship vs Physical Mediumship, Some Mediums Attesting to Communicating Mentally With Paranormal Phenomena, the Funerary Custom of Hindu’s, the Concept of “Ectoplasm”, the Problem With Light Leaks During a Seance, and the Attempt to Photograph Ectoplasm

The University of Cambridge holds works performed with the American Society for Psychical Research, the oldest scientific body devoted to the study of paranormal phenomena, established in 1882 by a group of academics and mediums. The people associated with this project are quite illustrious, Nobel laureates like Madame Marie Currie and husband Pierre Curie, as well as notable academics like Charles Richet, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mark Twain, and William James among others. Psychical mediumship i...

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