The Minimum Salary Within the U.S. National Basketball Association

As of 2023, the minimum salary of a U.S. National Basketball Association professional player is $953,000 per year, which equates to $220.00 – $330.00 per hour as players work 60 – 90 hour work weeks (e.g. basketball game of 2 – 3 hours, post game interview of 1 – 2 hours, training of 3 – 4 hours etc.)

How Card Counting Works and How to Identify Hot Streaks When Gambling

Counting cards is quite simple, as long as ones memory is sharp. Low cards (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) are assigned a value of +1, mid cards (e.g. 7, 8, and 9) have a value of 0, and high cards (e.g. 10, jack, queen, king, and ace) have a value of -1. The player counting desires a positive count as it indicates multiple high cards in the deck and on their way toward the table. Counts above +7 is when a table is considered hot providing the player with multiple good hands in succession. Streaks although appearing random, occur in a wave like function, so when a down streak is observed, smaller bets should be placed until a hot streak is observed at which time higher bets should be placed

The Physics of the Pac-Man Universe

The game of Pac-Man allows players to exit the world on one side, and re-enter upon a completely different side without delay. Pac-Man’s universe appears to be a flat, two dimensional, rectangular shape, but in reality it must be cylindrical like a pipe, only with the 2 ends of the pipe touching, making Pac-Man’s universe actually in the shape of a donut

The Statistics and Layouts Casinos Use To Get Gambling Customers To Spend More

During 2014, 40,000,000 (40 million) people visited Las Vegas, United States of America and lost a combined total of $10,000,000,000 ($10 billion). The average odds of winning when using a slot machine are approximately 6.6% meaning that for every $100.00 put in, the casino takes $6.60, baiting players with a win but bleeding them dry in the long term, banking nearly $0.07 (7 cents) for every $1.00 dropped into them. Casinos with the worst odds are clustered within the Las Vegas Strip, and casino games with the worst odds are clustered within the middle of each casino itself. This snowman pattern of 3 grids, each one sitting on top of a larger one beneath, surrounded by a larger perimeter of less high function activities going on also occurs in other industries including the design of digital circuits, agricultural design for industrial farms, indigenous villages layout and design in Africa, and occurs naturally within the biology of the human body. These systems are designed for maximum efficiency

Statistical Disadvantages and Advantages for Craps

When playing craps, a bet on the field is one of the worst bets a player can make because there are a vast amount of numbers listed upon the field area but only 16 combinations available for the die rolled to conform to what is needed. There are 20 combinations to roll the remaining numbers 5, 6, 7, or 8. A field bet wagers that any one of a handful of numbers are going to be rolled, but those numbers are the most difficult to roll when accounting for the numbers provided via the die. Only 1 combination will provide a 2 or a 3 to be rolled, 2 combinations provide a 4 to be rolled, 2 combinations provide a 9 to be rolled, 2 combinations provide a 10 to be rolled, and 1 combination for an 11 or 12 to be rolled. There are 3 different combinations to roll a 6 or a 7, therefore a player is more likely to end up with those numbers more often. A field bet provides the casino with a 5.5% advantage which is why it should never be chosen