The Beginning of the Dark Ages, Christians Forced into Catacombs Beneath Ancient Rome to Escape Persecution, the 5 Covert Symbols Christians Utilized to Practice Christianity, Rotes Squares Discovered Around the World, the Way the Term “Tenet” is Read Within Christianity, the Meaning of the 5 Covert Symbols Christians Used, the True Meaning of “Rotes Square”, the Latin Meaning of “Paternoster”, the Letters Left Over Between the Anagrams “Rotes Square” and “Paternoster”, the Greek Letters Alpha and Omega Found Throughout Ancient Rome, the Greek Letters Alpha and Omega Acting as an Homage to the Christian Concept of Monotheism, the Reason Alpha and Omega Symbols Were Hung Outside of Homes Within Ancient Rome, the Fish Becoming a Symbol of Christianity, the Covert Method Christians Utilized to Identify One Another, Adaptations of the Alpha and Omega Symbols, the Concept of the “Christogram”, the Etymology of “X-Mas” (Christmas), Imagery Introduced into Christianity During the 3rd Century, the Symbolism of Peacocks Within Christianity, the Reason Peacocks Represented Immortality Within Christianity, the First Time Jesus Christ’s Face was Adapted for Christian Artwork and the Reason Artists Had Difficulty Depicting Christ During the Dark Ages, the Early Depiction of Christ, the Depiction of Christ During the Middle Ages, the Possibility of the Turin Shroud Being Fraudulent, the Earliest Adaptations of Christ Based Upon the Ancient Greek God Apollo, the Ancient Greek Goddess of Victory, the Reason American Athletic Apparel Manufacturer Nike Chose its Name, Ancient Greek Deities Representing Both Genders Simultaneously, Pagan vs Christian Belief, the Reason Christ was Feminized Within Christian Artwork, the Earliest Known Christian Church, Christianity, Judaism, and Paganism Exchanging and Utilizing Disparate Ideas, the Reason the Halo was Introduced into Christian Artwork, the Origin of the Halo, the Original Depiction of the Halo, the Reason Halos had Spikes, the Reason the Angel was Introduced into Christian Artwork, the Importance of the Ancient Egyptian Deity Isis Within Paganism, the Role of Isis, the Depiction of Isis Within Ancient Egyptian Artwork, the Son of Isis, the Reason Christ’s Depiction Within Christian Artwork Changed Dramatically During the First Millenia, the Period When the Turin Shroud Was Created, the Roman Empire Uniting the European, Asian, and Indian Continents, the Construction of the First Christian Churches, the “I Rule” Symbolism Within Christianity, the Period When Churches Moved From Homes to Public Buildings, the Roman Empire Converting to Christianity and Introducing Glamor into the Modesty of Christianity, the Reason Ancient Roman Emperor Constantine Converted the Ancient Roman Empire to Christianity, Constantine’s Edict of Milan Making Christianity the Official State Religion of Ancient Rome, the First Christian Churches Having no Precedent to Build Upon Due to the Earliest Christian Churches Being Homes, the Congregation Area of Pagan Temples, the Only Persons Permitted to Enter Pagan Temples, the Congregation Area of Christian Churches, the First Christian Churches Constructed in the Style of an Islamic Mosque, the Etymology of “Basilica”, Basilicas Originally Not Being Used for Religious Purposes, the Most Common Early Use of Basilicas, the Reason Christ is Depicted With a Beard, the Inspiration for Christ’s Image, the Possibility of Christian Persecution in Ancient Rome Being Over Exaggerated, More Christians Dying During the Modern Day Due to Persecution Than During the Period of the Ancient Romans, the Number of Christians Killed During the Spanish Civil War, the Reason the Catacombs Became Sought After as a Resting Place for Human Remains, Constantine’s Daughter Constantina Healed of Leprosy After Praying to Saint Agnes, the Christian Belief of Martyrs Being Able to Help the Living, Constantine Dividing the Roman Empire into a Western and Eastern Empire, Ancient Rome Adopting a New Capital City, the Reason Ancient Roman Mausoleums Restrict Human Traffic, the Reason Christian Churches Were Designed to be Long and Thin, the World Capital of Dark Age Mosaics, the Reason Round Churches Were Erected, the View of Round Churches During the Middle Ages, the Physical Relics of Martyrs Believed to Have Protective Properties Within Christianity, and the Reason Relics Were Kept

The Dark Ages, often referred to as the Medieval period which has a slightly different start and end date, begins in the 4th century when the Roman Empire begins to crumble and ends in the 11th century. It is thought that Christians lived within the Roman catacombs to escape persecution from the Roman's, as the Roman's knew that they were practicing their religion underground but because they were out of sight, it was allowed to carry on. Christians secretly practiced Christianity using a myriad...

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