The Life, Struggles, and Successes of English Author Lewis Carroll: The Location Carroll Wrote the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland) Publication, the Original Career Path of Carroll, the Reason Carroll Did Not Want to be Photographed, Carroll Taking Photographs of Friends, Artists, and Celebrities, the Person the Protagonist Alice From the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Publication is Based Upon, Carroll Writing Detailed Diaries of His Life’s Events, Carroll’s Symbolism to Denote a Special Day Within His Diary, Carroll Becoming Friends With the Adolescent Daughters of English Writer Henry Liddell During Adulthood, the Reason Carroll Developed a Relationship With English Student Alice Liddell, English Student Lorina Liddell, and English Student Edith Liddell, the First Time Carroll Told the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Story to the Liddell Sisters, Carroll Creating the Pen Name “Lewis Carroll”, the Reason Carroll Created the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Storyline in Real Time, the Reason the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Storyline Evolved, the Length of Time Required to Write the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Publication, the Person Carroll Gifted the Original Version of the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Publication to, the Symbology of Carroll’s Large Depiction of Alice Liddell and a Small Rabbit Wearing a Suit, Multiple Nude Photographs of Adolescents Discovered Within Carroll’s Photograph Collections, the Possibility of Carroll Having Encounters With Law Enforcement Because of His Works, Evidence of Carroll’s Obsessive Compulsive Personality, Carroll Practicing His Layout, Handwriting, and Illustrations Prior to Publication, the Alternative Titles for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Publication, the Reason Carroll Desired a Red Cover for the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Publication, the 19th Century Version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland vs the Modern Day Version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the First Female Protagonist Within Children’s Literature, the Person Present When Carroll Told the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Story for the First Time, the Reason Carroll’s Jokes Within the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Publication are Targeted Toward Academics, English Author Virginia Woolf’s Quote Related to Carroll, the Role Carroll Filled Within His Family, the End of Alice Liddell and Carroll’s Relationship, the Ambiguity of Missing Pages From Carroll’s Diaries, the Possible Reason the Relationship Between Alice Liddell and Carroll Ended, the Secondary Possible Reason the Relationship Between Alice Liddell and Carroll Ended, the Tertiary Possible Reason the Relationship Between Alice Liddell and Carroll Ended, the Ambiguity of All 3 Explanations, the Legal Age of Romantic Consent During the 19th Century, Carroll Terminated and Re-Hired by Christ Church (Oxford University), the Person Alice Liddell Married and the Child Named for Carroll, How Carroll Kept Alight the Memory of Alice Liddell, the Motivation for Carroll Writing Sequels to the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Publication, the Possible Reason Carroll Was Fascinated With Alice Liddell, Carroll Acquiring Hundreds of Adolescent Friends During Adulthood, the Ambiguity of the Relationship Between Carroll and Adolescent Friends, the Argument in Favor and in Opposition to Carroll’s Alleged Pedophilia, the Reason English Author Stuart Dodgson Collingwood May Have Altered Details of Carroll’s Life Within the First Biography of Carroll, the View of Collingwood’s Biography of Carroll During the Modern Day, the Argument of Collingwood Suffering From Pedophilia, the Concept of Photographing Nude Adolescents During the 19th Century, the Reason for This Societal View During the 19th Century, the Possibility of Modern Day Society Blindly Viewing Carroll’s Personality to Preserve His Legacy, the Reason Some are Willing to Overlook Evidence of Carroll’s Pedophilic Tendencies, the Nude Photograph of Alice Liddell Within the Musée Cantini (Musée Cantini de la Ville de Marseille), the Ambiguity of This Photograph, the Reason This Photograph Cannot be Analyzed Abroad, This Photographs Analysis and Conclusion From English Author Edward Wakeling, This Photographs Analysis and Conclusion From English Photograph Conservationist Nicholas Burnett, the Ambiguity of the “MC” Abbreviation Upon This Photograph, the Reason the Musée Cantini Inherited This Photograph, the Time Frame When Carroll Photographed the Liddell Sisters, the Period When Carroll Began Utilizing His Photography Studio, the Reason it is Understood That This Photograph is Cropped, Carroll’s Preferred Camera Technology, the Printing Technique Used for This Photograph, the Reason the Date of This Photograph is Established, Evidence Suggesting Carroll Produced Nude Imagery of Alice Liddell, Forensic Evidence Confirming This Photograph to be of Alice Liddell, Facial Analysis Which Confirms This Photograph, and the Legality of the Forensic Photographic Evidence Collected During the Modern Day

Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice In Wonderland, wrote his most famous work at Christ Church on the Oxford University campus located in Oxford, England. Carroll originally wanted to be a priest and completed the requirements necessary to start, however he didn’t want to take on a parrish as he had a speech impediment which made him unable to speak in front of large gatherings. Although Carroll was a keen photographer, he didn’t like being photographed himself and historians now believe that thi...

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