Ships From China Carrying the Majority of World Goods, the Volume of Paper Used in the U.S. for Business, the Reason Chinese Inventor Cai Lun Created Paper, the Method Cai Used to Create Paper, the First Known Printed Book, the Number of Books Printed Within the U.S. Annually, Wood Block Printing Exported From Asia into Europe, Paper and the Printing Press Revolutionizing Knowledge and the Dissemination of Information as Well as Currency, the Chinese Inventing Paper Currency, How the First Chinese Currency Worked, the Chinese Government Standardizing and Centralizing Paper Currency Manufacturing, the Number of World Currencies, the Advent of Playing Cards and Toilet Paper, the Volume of Toilet Paper Used World Wide Annually, Chinese Alchemists Accidentally Discovering Gun Powder, How Gun Powder Works, the Injuries Experienced by the Inventors of Gun Powder, Gun Powder Being Leveraged for Conflict, the Advent of Explosives Within the 10th Century, the Secret of Gun Powder Migrating Out of China During the 13th Century, Cannon Weaponry Making Castles Obsolete, the Development of Gun Powder Changing Warfare, the Development of a New Kind of Soldier From Gun Powder, the Technologies Developed From Gun Powder, the Chinese Investigating the Magnetic Properties of Loadstone, the Uses of Loadstone Within Chinese History, the Previous Method of Navigation Prior to Lodestone, the Advent of the Rudder and Bulkhead for Ships, the Purpose of Bulkheads, These Technologies Allowing Chinese Explorer Zheng He to Explore the World’s Oceans, Compass Technology Migrating into Europe, the Purpose of Exploration Throughout History, China’s Most Valuable Export Throughout History, the Legend of How Chinese Empress Leizu Created Silk Textiles, How Silk is Manufactured, the Number of Silkworm Cocoons Required to Make a Single Garment, Silk Originally Reserved for Chinese Emperors and Becoming One of the Most Coveted Materials in the World, the Reason Demand for Silk was Insatiable in Europe, Silk Helping to Create the Silk Road, the Silk Road Allowing for Globalized Trade, the Length of the Silk Road, Additional Benefits of the Silk Road, the Reason the Chinese Closely Guarded the Secret of Silk Manufacturing, Methods the Chinese Government Put in Place to Prevent Europeans From Learning How to Manufacture Silk, Silk Worms Eventually Smuggled Out of China and Imported into Europe, China Continuing to Produce the Majority of Silk World Wide During the Modern Day, the Use of Silk During the Modern Day, Half of the World Dependent Upon Rice, the Number of Variations of Rice World Wide, the Origin of Rice, the Chinese Pioneering Multiple Efficient Methods of Cultivating Rice, the Reason Rice is Advantageous Over Other Foods, Rice Allowing China to Progress as a Nation, Citrus Fruit and Noodles Originating in China, Noodles Originally Reserved for Monarchs, China Creating the Consumable of Tea, the Origin Legend of Tea, Tea Originally Consumed for Energy in China, the Reason Boiling Water is Beneficial for Tea, Tea Becoming Massively Popular in Europe During the 19th Century, Scottish Botanist Robert Fortune Tasked With Smuggling Tea Plants Out of China, Fortune Successful in This Pursuit and Exporting His Smuggled Contraband into India, India Continuing to Have a Thriving Tea Industry During the Modern Day, the Chinese Advent of Fine Porcelain, the Use of Specialized Kaolin Clay to Produce Porcelain, Venetian Merchant Marco Polo Importing Porcelain into Europe During the 14th Century and the Etymology of “Porcelain”, the Use of Porcelain Electrical Insulators During the Modern Day, the Concept of “Chi” Within Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Use of Acupuncture Within Traditional Chinese Medicine, How Acupuncture is Believed in China to Restore Health, Malaria Being Cured During a Period of Intense Conflict, Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh Appealing to Chinese President Mao Zedong for Assistance With Malaria Relief, Chinese Chemist Tu Youyou Tasked With Resolving Malaria, Tu Leveraging Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine to Discover a Cure for Malaria, Tu Inoculating Herself to Examine the Efficacy of the Medication Created to Control Malaria, Tu Winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015, and the Triplicate Function of Kung Fu

Each year ships bound from China carry approximately 90% of the worlds computers, 70% of all mobile smartphones, and 40% of all textiles, enough cargo to fill 93,000,000 (93 million) shipping containers. American business alone uses over 12,000,000,000,000 (12 trillion) sheets of paper, more than enough to cover the entire 500,000,000 (500 million) square kilometer surface of the Earth. Accoring to Chinese legend, in the 104th year of the Common Era, Chinese inventor Cai Lun (pronounced “sai-loo...

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