Production of the V2 Rocket During World War II, the Death of Slave Laborers, German Aerospace Engineer Wernher von Braun’s Calculations, the Reason German Soldiers and Scientists Wanted to be and Were Captured by the U.S., the Capture of Wernher von Braun and Brother Magnus von Braun, the Development of Operation Overcast (Operation Paperclip), and the Saturn V Rocket Program

The V2 rocket was one of the most expensive pieces of weaponry utilized during World War II. The V2 rocket was manufactured under slave labor conditions and although it was successful in its ability to kill 5000 people during its various attacks, 10,000 - 20,000 people died during its production as miscalculations and errors often occurred during the various manufacturing and testing processes. The V2 rocket was primarily built by Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, and French prisoners of war. Overwork...

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