The Reason Christianity Teaches Christians the Earth is 5000+ Years Old, the Reason Christians Believe Infant Animals Were Taken Aboard Iraqi Ship Builder Noah’s (No Last Name) Ark During the Noachian Deluge (Great Flood), the Christian Belief of All Animals During the Modern Day Being Predicated Upon the Animals Brought Aboard Noah’s Ark, the Negative Themes Discussed Within the Christian Account of Noah’s Ark, Evidence of Genocide Within the Christian Bible, and Evidence of Incestuous Romantic Relationships Within the Christian Bible

The reason Christians believe the Earth is 5000 - 6000 years old is because between the lineage of Adam to Abraham runs 2000 years, the lineage between Abraham and Jesus Christ is another 2000 year, and the lineage between Christ and modern day human beings is 2000 years. Creationists argue that baby animals (eg. dinosaurs, mammals, insects etc.) and eggs were taken on board the ark because they were smaller to store and had a longer life expectancy post flood. Creationists also argue that only ...

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